The journey to recovery from addiction is a long and challenging process that extends beyond initial treatment. Continuing Care Programs play a crucial role in ensuring sustained recovery and preventing relapse. This blog explores the importance of Continuing Care Programs in rehab centers and how they contribute to long-term success in overcoming addiction.
In the process of overcoming addiction, self-care plays an important role in strengthening one's commitment to healing and paving the way for a healthier, substance-free lifestyle.
Benzodiazepines, or "benzos," are mainly prescribed by doctors and other medical professionals to treat anxiety disorders, sleeplessness, and seizures. Although benzodiazepines have many therapeutic uses, there is a risk of dependence and abuse.
It's critical to understand that alcohol and drug addiction are diseases if a loved one is struggling with them. Drugs have the power to entirely replace a person's judgment, actions, and priorities. They assume command. They require the capacity for clear vision and reasoned decision-making.
In the journey of addiction recovery, a holistic approach encompassing physical, mental, and emotional health is crucial. One significant, yet often overlooked, component is nutrition. Proper nutrition can significantly impact the recovery process, aiding in the healing of the body and mind after substance abuse. This read delves into the role of nutrition in addiction recovery, emphasizing its importance and the specific dietary strategies that support drug abuse treatment and drug de addiction.
Overcoming addiction is an arduous path that many find daunting. However, the integration of exercise and self-care into the recovery process has shown to provide invaluable support for those seeking to reclaim their lives from the clutches of substance dependence. This approach, supported by both science and anecdotal evidence, emphasizes the dual importance of physical and mental well-being in the battle against addiction.
Drug addiction, recognized clinically as a substance use disorder, is a chronic disease characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use despite harmful consequences. This complex condition involves an interplay of biological, psychological, and environmental factors. The impact of drug addiction extends beyond mere behavioral disruption, deeply affecting the body's physiological systems and overall health. Here’s a quick read to take you through it.
In the context of addiction, codependence usually refers to a particular kind of dysfunctional relationship in which one or more family members actively support a person with an addiction. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (the DSM-5) does not list codependency as a separately diagnosable mental health condition. However, it was previously suggested that codependency be classified as a personality disorder.
Because the family is usually the primary source of attachment, nurturing, and socialisation, experts see addiction as a family disease. When one member of the family develops an addiction, it negatively impacts the other members of the family as well as the emotional, physical, and financial aspects of family life.
Addressing drug abuse is crucial for personal & societal well-being. Samarpan Recovery offers holistic, evidence-based treatment for comprehensive recovery.
Adderall Addiction Symptoms and Treatment
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7 Relapse Prevention Tips To Keep You Sober
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The Scariest Drug In The World
Finding Your Path to Recovery
In the intricate tapestry of human emotions, anxiety is a thread that everyone experiences at some point in life. It's that uneasy feeling before a big presentation or the jittery excitement before a first date. Yet, when anxiety transcends the normal ebb and flow of emotions, individuals may turn to substances like drugs or alcohol in an attempt to find solace.
Embarking on the journey of healing from addiction or mental health struggles is a momentous decision, a brave step towards reclaiming your life. Yet, amidst the whirlwind of emotions and newfound possibilities, selecting the ideal rehabilitation program can feel like navigating a labyrinth. This complexity intensifies when factoring in the needs not just of the individual seeking solace, but also the family unit intricately woven around them. This guide serves as a beacon in the haze, illuminating the crucial role families play in the tapestry of recovery and offering invaluable guidance for individuals and loved ones traversing this critical stage.
"Stress" is an evolutionary reaction that the body experiences in response to perceived biological, psychological, or social dangers. The body must get ready by dilation of the pupils, an increase in blood sugar and heart rate, and a readiness for the muscles to go into "fight or flight" mode. The body can then restore itself to its equilibrium condition (return to normal) once the stressor has subsided.
One huge inevitable part of addiction recovery is encountering addiction triggers. This statement is even accurate for those who have maintained sobriety long-term after addiction treatment. Even though there are numerous ways to handle addiction triggers, healthy coping skills will be essential for overall growth.
Porn addiction is characterised by an obsessive need to view pornographic content. Understanding how to stop a porn addiction can help avoid further impact on a person’s mental health
Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) has emerged as a powerful instrument in mental health treatment, especially concerning substance abuse. Its amalgamation of cognitive-behavioral methods with mindfulness has shown efficacy in aiding individuals dealing with addiction to reclaim control over their lives.
What Is Angel Dust? Unveiling The Reality Behind Phencyclidine (PCP)
CBT is a therapeutic method that delves into the complex interplay between thoughts, emotions, and actions. Serving as a compass, it navigates individuals through the challenging landscape of addiction by addressing the fundamental cognitive patterns and behavioral reactions, and resulting emotions.
The Connection Between Sexual Assault, Trauma, and The Road Recovery
What Do Meth Eyes Look Like?
The Transformative Power of Acceptance in Addiction Recovery
7 Signs Of A Functioning Addict
The Impact of Stress on Addiction — Can We Break the Cycle?
Signs Of Heroin Use: What To Look Out For
The Intricate Web of Coming Out, Coping, and Substance Use in the LGBTQ+ Community
How long does cocaine stay in your system? We answer this question and more, in this blog from Samarpan Recovery.
What is the Connection Between Social Anxiety and Addiction?
The drug lean started becoming popular in Houston in the 1990s. SInce then it has become popular all across the United States, and is also now used in other countries around the world. In this blog, we look at what is in lean.
Compassion: A Journey to Healing After Relapse
What Is the shame cycle in addiction?
The Silent Symphony of Suicide, Substance Abuse, and Mental Health
Practical Tips On How To Quit Weed
Social Media Addiction Symptoms
Rising Trends Of Substance Abuse In India
A Journey Through Breakups and Recovery
Navigating Borderline Personality Disorder and Substance Abuse
What is the connection between Anger and Addiction?
What is the connection between Addiction and Sexual Pleasure?
Samarpan's Holistic Odyssey to Lasting Recovery
Navigating Shame and Addiction with Samarpan
Addiction and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are two critical public health concerns, seemingly unrelated but intricately connected. At Samarpan Recovery Centre in Pune, we recognize the complex interplay between addiction and the prevalence of STDs, understanding the behavioral, cultural, and health-related aspects that contribute to this correlation. This comprehensive blog explores the multifaceted relationship between substance abuse, sex addiction, and the transmission of STDs, shedding light on the risks and offering insights into holistic treatment approaches.
Living with ADHD presents substantial challenges in various aspects of life, and individuals with ADHD may be more susceptible to developing addiction. At Samarpan Recovery Centre in Pune, we recognize the intricate link between ADHD and addiction and offer comprehensive treatment strategies to address these co-occurring disorders. In this blog, we will delve into the neurobiological factors, self-medication hypothesis, environmental factors, and integrated treatment approaches for ADHD and addiction. Additionally, we will explore the unique challenges posed by love addiction, sex addiction, and social media addiction in individuals with ADHD.
Embarking on the journey of recovery after completing a rehabilitation program is a crucial and challenging phase. While rehab provides a solid foundation, maintaining sobriety in the real world requires a thoughtful and individualized approach. In this blog post, we delve into the key components of creating a robust recovery plan, drawing insights from Terry Gorski's Relapse Prevention model. We explore the reasons behind post-rehab relapses, recognize warning signs, and discuss the importance of early intervention. Additionally, we'll touch on the significance of planning, the support of sober companions, and the role of recognized therapies like the 12 Step Recovery and SMART Recovery in sustaining long-term sobriety.
The journey of recovery from substance use disorder is often characterized by its challenges, and the threat of relapse looms as a persistent concern. Understanding the relapse process and having effective prevention strategies in place are crucial for individuals seeking sustained recovery. In this blog post, we will explore the relapse process, delve into the intricacies of Terry Gorski's Relapse Prevention model, examine warning signs and early intervention strategies, and discuss the importance of seeking accredited relapse prevention specialists, highlighting the expertise of Gorski-CENAPS and Samarpan clinical staff.
HIV Prevalence in the Population with Substance Use Disorder:
In the tranquil corridors of sleep, an increasing number of individuals find themselves entangled in a complex web – the struggle with insomnia leading to a reliance on prescription sleep medications. At Samarpan Recovery Centre in Pune, we understand the delicate balance between seeking peaceful slumber and inadvertently succumbing to the clutches of medication addiction. In this blog post, we explore the nexus between insomnia and prescription medication addiction, the crucial role of De-Addiction Therapists, and the transformative Rehabilitation Program offered by Samarpan Recovery.
Making the decision to go to rehab over Christmas suits people for a number of reasons. For some people, it’s the easiest time of the year to get away from work, with many work spaces closing down for Christmas. For other people, it’s the best time to remove yourself from pressures at home, the added pressure of having to spend time with family and friends can be extremely stressful, and for others Christmas can be a particularly lonely time when thoughts of suicide, self-harm and general hopelessness can be overwhelming and for those who have an addiction, the risks can be considerable.
In the noble pursuit of shaping young minds, teachers and education professionals often find themselves immersed in a world that is both rewarding and demanding. The pressures of the education sector can, at times, lead to unhealthy coping mechanisms, resulting in Substance Use Disorder (SUD). For teachers and education professionals struggling with addiction, Samarpan Recovery Centre in Pune offers a haven for healing. In this blog post, we explore the unique challenges faced by educators, the integral role of De-Addiction Therapists and Substance Abuse Therapists, and the innovative Rehabilitation Program in India provided by Samarpan Recovery.
The holiday season, filled with joy and festivities, can be a challenging time for individuals in recovery from substance use disorders. At Samarpan Recovery, recognized as the Best Indian Deaddiction Centre, we understand the unique challenges posed by the Christmas holidays. In this blog post, we'll share ten essential tips to help you stay on the path of sobriety during this celebratory season, emphasizing the importance of planning ahead and seeking support.
IT professionals navigate a high-pressure environment, with tight deadlines, project complexities, and the constant evolution of technology. The digital strain often becomes a breeding ground for stress, anxiety, and, in some cases, substance abuse as a way to cope with the demands of the industry.
In the competitive world of sports, athletes face immense pressure, not just in their physical performance but also in the mental and emotional aspects of their lives. Unfortunately, the stressors of the sports industry can sometimes lead to substance abuse issues among sportsmen and sportswomen. Samarpan Recovery Centre in Pune, a beacon of hope for those struggling with addiction, recognizes the unique challenges faced by sports icons. In this comprehensive blog post, we delve into the role of De-Addiction Therapists, Substance Abuse Therapists, and the innovative Rehabilitation Program in India offered by Samarpan Recovery to support sportspeople in their journey to recovery.
Nurses, often regarded as the unsung heroes of healthcare, dedicate their lives to caring for others. However, behind the scenes, the nursing profession is not untouched by the pervasive issue of substance use disorder (SUD). Demanding work environments, high stress levels, and emotional challenges can create a breeding ground for addiction among nurses. In this article, we will explore the demographics and statistics surrounding substance use disorder among nurses, delve into the underlying causes that contribute to addiction within the nursing community, and shed light on the prevalence of alcoholism and drug use in the nursing profession, both in India and worldwide. Additionally, we will discuss the significance of de-addiction therapists, rehabilitation programs, such as Samarpan Recovery Centre in Pune, and group therapy in addressing this complex issue.
The legal profession, often associated with intellect and advocacy, is not immune to the pervasive issue of substance use disorder (SUD). Lawyers, who bear the weight of complex cases, long hours, and high-stakes situations, can find themselves grappling with addiction as a means of coping. In this article, we will delve into the demographics and statistics surrounding substance use disorder among lawyers, uncover the causes that contribute to addiction within the legal community, shed light on the prevalence of alcoholism and drug use in the legal profession both in India and worldwide, and discuss the legal implications and consequences of addiction. Additionally, we will explore the role of de-addiction therapists, rehabilitation programs, such as Samarpan Recovery Centre in Pune, and group therapy in addressing this intricate issue.
Within the complex world of addiction treatment, psychological concepts play a pivotal role in understanding the root causes and challenges faced by individuals struggling with substance use disorder. One such psychological phenomenon is the "King Baby Syndrome." This syndrome, with its profound impact on individuals, their families, and their behaviors, holds a crucial place in the realm of addiction treatment. In this article, we delve into the depths of King Baby Syndrome, exploring its implications for those seeking recovery, their loved ones, and the approach taken at Samarpan Recovery Centre in Pune, India, to address this syndrome effectively.
The glitz and glamour of the film industry often captivate the world's attention, but behind the scenes, a different narrative unfolds. Substance use disorder (SUD) is a pervasive issue that affects individuals in the entertainment industry, including actors, directors, producers, and the entire film crew. The unique lifestyle, pressures, and culture of showbiz can create an environment that fosters addiction as a means of coping. In this article, we will delve into the demographics and statistics surrounding substance use disorder within the film industry, explore the cultural aspects that contribute to addiction in showbiz, shed light on the prevalence of alcoholism and drug use in the film industry, particularly in Bollywood, India, and worldwide, and discuss the legal implications and consequences. Additionally, we will discuss the role of de-addiction therapists, rehabilitation programs, such as Samarpan Recovery Centre in Pune, and group therapy in addressing this multifaceted is
Doctors are revered for their commitment to healing, yet the medical profession is not immune to the pervasive issue of substance use disorder (SUD). The pressures, long hours, and emotional toll of practicing medicine can contribute to doctors turning to alcohol or drugs as a coping mechanism. In this article, we will delve into the demographics and statistics surrounding substance use disorder among doctors, explore the causes that contribute to addiction within the medical community, and shed light on the prevalence of alcoholism and drug use in the medical profession both in India and worldwide. Additionally, we will touch upon the role of de-addiction therapists and rehabilitation programs, such as Samarpan Recovery Centre in Pune, in addressing this complex issue.
The co-occurrence of Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Substance Use Disorder (SUD) presents a unique challenge in the field of mental health and addiction treatment. ASD is a developmental disorder that affects communication, social interaction, and behavior, while SUD is characterized by the misuse of substances leading to negative consequences. The intersection of these two disorders requires specialized understanding and treatment approaches. In this article, we will explore the demographics and statistics surrounding the co-occurrence of ASD and SUD, delve into the challenges and treatment approaches required, examine the prevalence and treatment options in India and worldwide, and discuss the significance of de-addiction therapists, rehabilitation programs, such as Samarpan Recovery Centre in Pune, and holistic support for individuals facing both disorders.
The high-stakes world of finance and banking is not only demanding but often pushes professionals to their limits, leading to stressors that may result in Substance Use Disorder (SUD). For finance and banking professionals struggling with addiction, Samarpan Recovery Centre in Pune serves as a haven for healing. In this 1200-word blog post, we delve into the unique challenges faced by finance and banking professionals, the pivotal role of De-Addiction Therapists and Substance Abuse Therapists, and the innovative Rehabilitation Program in India offered by Samarpan Recovery.
In the realm of addiction treatment, process groups have emerged as a powerful and transformative tool, especially in the context of rehabilitation programs in India. As the nation grapples with the increasing prevalence of substance abuse, international rehab facilities like Samarpan Recovery Centre in Pune have adopted innovative therapeutic approaches, placing a significant emphasis on group therapy. This article explores the benefits of process groups in addiction treatment, shedding light on their crucial role in the recovery journey within the Indian context.
In the rich tapestry of Indian society, family plays a pivotal role in shaping individuals' lives. However, beneath the surface of familial bonds, there exists a challenging issue – the enabling of substance use among family members. This article delves into the intricate relationship between family dynamics and substance use in India, exploring the need for rehabilitation programs, especially emphasizing the significance of the Samarpan Recovery Centre in Pune, a beacon of hope for those grappling with Substance Use Disorder (SUD).
In India, the challenges surrounding substance use disorders are multifaceted, demanding a nuanced approach that aligns with legal, ethical, and outcome-oriented perspectives. This blog, presented by Samarpan Recovery Centre in Pune, sheds light on the problems associated with involuntary admissions for substance use disorders in India. By delving into the legal complexities, ethical considerations, and examining the outcomes of such interventions, we aim to foster a comprehensive understanding of the issues at hand.
In recent years, India has witnessed a growing concern over substance abuse and addiction, posing a significant threat to the well-being of individuals and society at large. As the nation grapples with this pervasive issue, the role of family and community in de-addiction treatment has become increasingly pivotal. This article explores the importance of familial and communal support in rehabilitation programs, with a focus on both domestic and international perspectives, including the notable Samarpan Recovery Centre in Pune.
Residential treatment programs have emerged as vital components in addressing a myriad of mental health and substance abuse issues. These programs offer a structured and supportive environment where individuals can focus on their recovery without the distractions and triggers present in their everyday lives. One critical factor that significantly influences the success of these treatment modalities is the length of stay. In this article, we delve into the reasons why an extended duration in residential treatment often leads to more successful outcomes.
For many people, choosing a rehab centre is the most significant financial commitment in their life besides buying a house and a car. It is not a decision you take lightly.
Not so long ago, the only rehab centres in India were spartan places where people with addiction problems would go and detox.
When recovering from addiction, you must do everything you can to stay sober and get mentally and physically healthy again. Psychotherapy is the gold standard for addiction treatment, but you can regain your wellness in other ways.
Do you have a mental health problem and are considering going to one of the rehabs in Pune? You must choose a center that offers dual diagnosis treatment. If you don’t get this, you are left wide open for relapse in the future.
Relapse prevention models are crucial to the success of recovery. They allow addiction practitioners to provide clients with ways in which they can reduce relapses or prevent them entirely.
Going for rehab in Pune is not the end of the road when it comes to recovery. Once you leave, you must continue recovery-related activities to stay clean, sober and mentally well.
If you’re going to a rehab center in Mumbai, you may have heard that some centers offer medication to keep you comfortable and safe.
Addiction is a global epidemic that knows no borders, affecting people from all walks of life, including Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) living in Kenya. For NRIs struggling with drug and alcohol addiction, finding the right rehab option is of paramount importance.
Addiction is a universal issue that impacts people from all corners of the world, including Bangladesh. For Bangladeshis struggling with drug and alcohol addiction, finding the right rehab options is essential to reclaiming their lives and embarking on a path of healing and recovery
Addiction can be a devastating force that affects individuals from all walks of life, including Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) living in Singapore. For NRIs struggling with addiction, seeking rehab in India can be a transformative decision that offers not only high-quality treatment but also a chance to reconnect with their cultural roots.
For Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) living in the United Kingdom, seeking treatment for substance abuse in India can be a significant decision. It offers an opportunity to reconnect with their roots, access high-quality treatment options, and receive care in a culturally familiar environment.
Addiction is a global epidemic that affects people from all walks of life, including Indians. For those battling drug and alcohol addiction, seeking the right rehab options is crucial to breaking free from the cycle of addiction and embarking on a journey of healing and recovery.
If you or a loved one has a mental health condition, you are probably aware that a psychiatric rehabilitation centre is the best place to go to get treatment. But what exactly do these places do? And which conditions do they treat? We will take a look at all of this and more, in this blog from Samarpan Recovery.
Everyone experiences “the blues” from time to time. This is a kind of mild depression that you feel for a while that takes some of the zest from life. You may feel it when you don’t see the sun for a time, when you’re going through a minor hurdle in life, or perhaps at the end of a short relationship.
If you live in India, you will probably have come across the word “deaddiction” while researching solutions to addiction.
Have you been searching for a de addiction centre “near me”? There are 100s of centres across India, meaning that selecting one is an arduous task. How do you sort the wheat from the chaff?
If you want to stop using substances permanently, it isn’t as easy as simply stopping. These are stages that you must go to for you to do this. This blog talks you through what these stages are, and how you can pass through them successfully. If you’d like more information on the 7 stages of addiction recovery, speak with Samarpan Recovery today. What Are The 7 Stages Of Addiction Recovery? The 7 stages of addiction recovery encompass the distinct stages you must go through to attain long term recovery from drugs and alcohol. Read on to discover what these are. 1. Admitting You Have a Problem It may be a cliche but it's true. The first of the 7 stages is admitting that you have an addiction. Without doing this, you simply can’t progress through recovery. If you’re unsure of whether you have a problem with substances, ask yourself if substances have harmed your life in any way. Perhaps you’re in financial difficulties. Maybe you have relationship issues. Or you might have los
Everyone knows what the final stages of addiction look like despair, degradation, and hopelessness. But how about the first stage of addiction? What does it involve? And is it possible to tell if someone you love is going through it?
If you have a loved one who has an addiction problem, you want to do everything you can to help them. But with so many options to choose from, it is difficult to know where to turn.
If you’re going to a rehab centre in Mumbai, you may feel a little nervous. After all, you’ll be detoxing from all the substances you have been using for so long. And you’ll be in a new environment, surrounded by people you don’t know.
If you’re looking for a rehabilitation centre in Pune for your loved one, you only want the best. With so many options on offer, knowing which to choose from can be difficult.
Reading books on addiction is a fantastic way to enhance your recovery. Gaining insight into the underlying causes of addiction and hearing about other people’s experiences can cause shifts in perspective that will bolster your sobriety.
Rehabs all over the world use art therapy for addiction recovery. And with so many benefits, it’s not hard to see why. In this blog, we look at seven of these benefits.
Do you get the overwhelming urge to drink when you stop drinking alcohol? If so, you are experiencing alcohol cravings. These sensations are felt by people who have been drinking alcohol over a period of time and have become dependent on it.
For someone with an addiction, any drug can be addictive. But some drugs have the potential to be more addictive than others. In this blog post, we look at the most addictive drug that someone can take and find out why these drugs are so addictive.
Do you or someone you know use charas? In recent years, cannabis use has become legal in many countries, and use has become normalized.
In most countries, Mandrax abuse is a thing of the past. But in India and some countries in Africa, Mandrax abuse is still rife. In this blog, we look at exactly what Mandrax is, and go into depth on everything you need to know about this drug.
Drugs and alcohol are the addictions that get the most recognition in society. However, it is also possible to become addicted to behaviors such as watching pornography.
Once someone is clean from drugs and alcohol, they have to stay clean. Doing this is not always an easy process, and there will be many hurdles to overcome. Sometimes these hurdles prove too much, and people relapse.
If you live in Mumbai and have a loved one who has a problem with drugs or alcohol, choosing a rehab for them can be confusing.
Many clients with persistent or severe mental health disorders have difficulty expressing emotions.
Rehabilitation centres that provide primary mental health services often offer a wide range of healthy activities and holistic treatment options.
Mental health disorders affect millions of people in India each year. Families often need help to cope with the side effects and find healthy ways to support their loved ones.
Many people with substance use disorder (SUD) have co-occurring eating disorders (EDs). The combination often causes more severe symptoms and must be treated carefully to avoid relapse of either condition.
Every year communities across India are affected by untreated substance use disorder (SUD). According to the Indian Journal of Psychiatry, "In India, the National Household Survey reported alcohol (21.4%) as the primary substance used followed by cannabis (3.0%) and opioids (0.7%).
In some areas of India, mental health facilities use force to make clients participate in substance use disorder (SUD) treatment. However, forced participation can cause additional mental health issues and worsen symptoms of existing conditions.
Millions of families are affected by the symptoms of untreated mental health issues every year. Often family members are unsure how to help their loved one get access to high-quality professional treatment.
Addictive behaviours affect millions of individuals and families every year in India. Most people are unaware of how prevalent addictive behaviours have become in recent years.
Some people struggling with substance use disorder (SUD) and mental health issues may hesitate to seek help if they previously had a negative rehabilitation experience.
Some people want to attend rehabilitation programs in a comfortable environment away from their homes. Destination treatment for addiction and mental health recovery has become more prevalent in recent years.
Most people with untreated substance use disorder (SUD) or mental health issues have difficulty being objective about their circumstances. Many people are unaware of the benefits of interventions offered by treatment facilities.
In January 2023, Samarpan was delighted to welcome Roland Williams MA, MAC, LAADC, NCACII, CADCII, ACRPS, SAP CENAPS President, CEO, and Director of Training to our residential facility in Mulshi, Pune.
Clients who have an opportunity to direct their own care often have better outcomes. The care team develops a deeper connection with them and often has a better idea of the client's expectations for recovery.
Individuals being treated for substance use disorder (SUD) and related mental health issues benefit from ethical care. Treatment programs like the ones offered at Samarpan Recovery ensure clients have the option to direct their own recovery with the guidance of mental health professionals.
A person's culture affects risk factors associated with substance use disorder (SUD) and mental health issues. In some cases, cultural beliefs can lead to damaging stigmas. According to the Annals of Indian Psychiatry, “Stigma, in its various forms, can act as a barrier to treatment.”
Twelve-Step meetings have been a cornerstone of addiction recovery for many people struggling with substance use disorder (SUD). However, not everyone is familiar with the 12-Step philosophy. Many clients benefit from attending educational 12-Step Facilitation (TSF) therapy.
Some people may try to force their loved ones to stop risk-taking behaviours like substance misuse by setting unrealistic expectations and punishing any infractions.
Guilt, shame, regret, and other negative emotions can cause some clients to feel ambivalent about rehabilitation. Evidence-based treatments like motivational interviewing (MI), acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), and dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) help clients overcome roadblocks like negativity.
If someone you love has been diagnosed with substance use disorder (SUD) or mental health issues, you can support their recovery by participating in the rehabilitation process.
Many clients diagnosed with substance use disorder (SUD) also have co-occurring mental health issues that require treatment. Integrative care that includes prescription medication, psychotherapy, and other treatments can address multiple issues affecting recovery.
Clients referred to Samarpan Recovery may transition from primary psychiatric care to a more holistic and integrative treatment plan. The change may seem disorienting or destabilizing for clients with severe mental health symptoms. Collaboration between members of the care team is essential to ensuring a smooth transition.
A common misconception is that people with substance use disorder (SUD) have low moral character. However, anyone can experience SUD, and treatment involves healing the mind and body.
Unnecessary stress, including family pressure to "get better," can significantly affect a person's recovery from substance use disorder (SUD) or mental health issues.
Family engagement can improve the treatment outcome for clients recovering from substance use disorder (SUD) and co-occurring mental health disorders.
Many people fail to get the help they need due to misinformation. Over the past few years, social media has been an immensely popular way to share misinformation and disinformation about mental health.
A one-size-fits-all approach doesn't work for therapy. Each case is unique, and every client has specific needs and their own perspective on recovery.
Psychotherapy, also referred to as talk therapy, provides essential support for clients recovering from substance misuse and mental health disorders.
Proper diet and exercise can directly affect your mental and physical health. According to the India National Health Portal (NHP), "Physical activity is an important and essential aspect of our life to achieve optimum health and well-being."
Every person starts treatment with certain expectations and recovery goals in mind. Clients and their families often have unrealistic expectations about treatment and recovery.
Individuals recovering from substance use disorder (SUD) or mental health issues need support to maintain positive lifestyle changes. For most people, their family provides essential motivation and encouragement during recovery.
Social connections and personal relationships can significantly affect a person's ability to cope with daily stressors during recovery. Individuals in treatment for substance use disorder (SUD) and mental health issues learn how to communicate their needs and set clear personal boundaries.
Substance use disorder (SUD) and mental health issues affect every member of a family unit. Clients in treatment have better outcomes if family members educate themselves about mental health and participate in treatment.
Family is often our first source of contact with the outside. We all belong to a family. Be it adopted, biological foster, or a group of individuals living together.
A healthy brain rewards healthy behaviours like exercising, eating, or bonding with loved ones. It does this by switching on brain circuits that make you feel wonderful, which then motivates you to repeat those behaviours.
Most of us know that drugs and alcohol are injurious to health. They are bad for our bodies, and bad for our emotional and mental health.
For people looking for substance misuse treatment, price is often a factor in their considerations.
“The good life is a process, not a state of being. It is a direction, not a destination.” - Carl Rogers
The use of artistic methods to treat psychological disorders and enhance mental health is known as art therapy.
Addiction is defined as not having control over doing, taking or using something to the point where it could be harmful to you.
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